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#IGWritersMay - Day 10 - Behind-the-Scenes

#IGWritersMay is an Instagram hashtag for writers to share their tips and experiences throughout the month, focusing on one topic each day. Created by Cheyanne Young (Instagram @NormalChey), YA author who's working on The Last Wish of Sasha Cade coming Fall 2018.

For Day 10, "Behind-the-Scenes," for anyone wanting to be a writer or is a published writer with a day job, it's very difficult to juggle both. Add a family on top of that and it becomes nearly impossible. Well, it is possible, you just have to remove sleep from your to-do list.

Work helps pay the bills and ensure that my family has the necessities to live a happy life. So of course, no writing during work. However, I do brainstorm A LOT during work, so I write those ideas down as action items to apply to my writing career.

After work, I get home and if I still have energy, I'll clean up first, because I cannot function when there's a mess around the house. After cleaning, I'll help knock out key chores, like getting the table ready, helping out with dinner, getting the kids prepared for dinner, quickly homeschool my daughter, etc. After dinner, I normally take care of the dishes and pots, followed by sweeping the kitchen and cleaning table tops. Next step is to play with the kids for a little while and then get them ready for bed. Once they're ready, it's story time for about 20 minutes and then about another 15 minutes for them to fall asleep.

If I'm still alive and not brain dead by then, if the bills are handled or if I'm not studying or reviewing for my master's degree, that's when I'll finally work on my writing career. Lately, since Variance was published, my main focus has been with this site and getting it started. Second to that is researching on marketing, types of advertisement, book exhibits, and book contests. Third, which truly should be first, is to work on the third draft of Celestia, Variance's sequel. In addition, I really should continue reading as every writer should.

So there you have it. That's my day in a nutshell. I know it's a dream to have published a book, but it would be a bigger dream to write for a living while able to sustain my family's quality of life, just so that I can truly focus on writing which I'm passionate about . . . and to be able to get some sleep.

Here's my social media post for Day 10:

Catching up with #IGWritersMay to share #writerslife . Day 10's topic is behind-the-scenes. Family and work come first and then I have to find time for anything related to writing when the sun is down and the stars are twinkling and I'm tired AF and its 3AM and I'm just getting started in a draft, blog, or marketing activity 😂 It's a passion. • #writersofinstagram #amwriting #authorsofinstagram #writingcommunity #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookaholic #SciFi #booklove #scifi #epicmusic #instrumental #writing #write #writer

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