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#IGWritersMay - Day 8 - Motivation

#IGWritersMay is an Instagram hashtag for writers to share their tips and experiences throughout the month, focusing on one topic each day. Created by Cheyanne Young (Instagram @NormalChey), YA author who's working on The Last Wish of Sasha Cade coming Fall 2018.

For Day 8, "Motivation," the main generator of spawning plot bunnies and muses is through music, and not just any music. On YouTube, there are dozens of compilations consisting of the most epic, dramatic, and intense instrumental music normally featured in movie trailers. Most of the time I listen to this music on the drive to and from work, or during very long family vacation trips to Texas, Florida, or New Jersey. Actually, it's on those trips that I come up with the most improvement in my stories, especially with Variance. I think I've accumulated more than 20,000 miles driving from conception to publishing Variance, and if those trips were non-existent, I think my novel would also be non-existent.

Music for me makes a tremendous difference. It stimulates part of the brain, the same part that processes imagination, creativity, and writing. With coffee and music together, your brain will be on overdrive for maximum potential in your writing. Of course there are limitations like how much your brain can sustain that much activity and fatigue, so it's important that you get plenty of rest and don't listen to epic music during bedtime.

If you're interested in listening to some songs, visit Versus Music Official. That channel is just one of many that provides awesome compilations.

Here's my social media post for Day 8:

Catching up with #IGWritersMay to share #writerslife . Day 8's topic is #author Motivation. The main stimulator of ideas comes from music, and not just any music, EPIC REVENGE INTENSE HEROIC MUSIC! Check out @versusmusicofficial on YouTube. • #writersofinstagram #amwriting#authorsofinstagram #writingcommunity#bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd#bookaholic #SciFi #booklove #coffee#coffeetime #scifi #write #writer

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